Head of Product Analytics & Experimentation
Delivery Hero
Bharath is a seasoned product leader with a diverse background in building great consumer-facing propositions across multiple verticals - food delivery, mobile gaming, e-commerce, and loyalty - between SE Asia and the US. He presently leads a 50-person product analytics organization for foodpanda, with the mandate to leverage data and controlled experiments to drive the product roadmap and deliver a superior experience for millions of consumers in Asia.
30 October 2024 10:15 - 11:00
Panel: Data-driven PLG - Leveraging customer Insights to drive product development and growth
In today's digital landscape, companies are able to collect vast amounts of data on their customers. By leveraging this data, businesses can gain valuable insights that can inform product development and drive growth. This panel will explore how companies can use data-driven product lifecycle management (PLG) to better understand their customers, develop more effective products, and ultimately drive growth. Panelists will share case studies and best practices for leveraging customer insights to inform product development and marketing strategies, as well as discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by data-driven PLG. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of how to effectively leverage customer data to drive business growth.