Lead Principle Product Manager
The Trade Desk
Amit Goel is a senior product management professional with 22+ years of experience and he has played 3 major roles ( Software engineer, Entrepreneur, and Product Manager) in his career. He has worked in senior product management and leadership positions at both well-funded unicorn startups and publicly listed companies.
30 October 2024 16:00 - 16:30
Musings of a Product Manager : Blind spots to watch out for
As a product leader, everyone faces situations and issues that put them in a tough spot especially when it comes to crucial decision making and managing product and stakeholders. These situations are the blind spots that every product manager faces repeatedly in their career. These blind spots come up without a warning sign and only a lot of experience, humility and open mindedness can help a product manager to identify blind spots in their way of working and then, be mindful of them everyday whether it is during meetings, roadmap planning, strategy discussions or even communication with different stakeholders. For a product manager, it becomes all the more important to identify and avoid these blind spots so as not to miss different perspectives and be able to see the invisible gorilla in the room. This session aims to delve into some of these blind spots and how to identify and navigate through them without crashing or burning due to these blind spots.