Co-Founder & CEO
Tom Laufer is a product growth veteran and frequently posts about PLG, growth, and analytics. He is deeply passionate about translating data into actionable insights that move the growth needle. Over a career centered on product, he has served in both product management and data analytics. When serving as the Head of Growth & Analytics at Google (EMEA), driving growth for products, including Google Ads, Google Search, Assistant, Youtube, and others, he realized there was a growing need for a better way to analyze data and to draw more effective conclusions. Co-founding Loops, he built a causal inference engine that connects to a company’s data warehouses and continuously surfaces the most significant opportunities. No more dashboards, just straight to the insights. Loops, where he is CEO, has an analytics platform relied on by AB in Bev, Postman,, and many other top PLG companies.
20 March 2025 10:15 - 10:45
From staring at dashboards to moving the growth needle: How the best product teams leverage their data
Everyone says they’re making data-driven decisions, but in reality, many product teams are performing “data theater” - the phenomenon of "showy" data presentations with little actual substance behind the conclusions and recommendations. While companies invest heavily in collecting and showcasing data, too often they’re not truly utilizing it to derive actionable insights. In this session, find out how to identify if your organization suffers from this phenomenon, understand the key obstacles that prevent teams from translating their data into actionable decisions, and the common pitfalls to which teams succumb. Hear what frameworks and steps the best product teams leverage to bridge the gap between data collection and insight that delivers growth.