Senior Product Leader
ECI Software Solutions
John Fontenot is a product leader with 6+ years of experience working across FinTech, HRTech, SaaS, and Marketplaces. Primarily focused on 0-1 product development, John has held Sr. IC PM roles as well as Product Leadership roles. Regardless of role or industry, John has been a proponent and practitioner of Product-Led Growth, incorporating PLG strategies and methodologies into his product development practices to help accelerate growth of the products he's worked on.
23 May 2024 09:15 - 09:45
Operationalizing product-led growth in your org
Struggling to break through traditional marketing limitations and unlock explosive growth? Join John as he delves into his firsthand experience leading a pioneering product-led growth (PLG) initiative at Lendio, a leading fintech company. Discover how he rallied various departments, navigated internal hurdles, and ultimately built a successful PLG engine that opened a game-changing new growth channel.